Monday, 29 August 2011

I Have Just Got Over Retiring Age 41

Bet a good many folk are in the same boat as me, getting left behind farming wise, getting slower, and just don't want the work. We have done our share over the years, much of it is mechanised now, not so much hand tools, If it conna be done from the tractor seat , it just does not get done.


I Have Just Got Over Retiring Age

 I’ve just got over retiring age,
And only now put pen to page,
And now I’m getting past my prime,
 Thing appear all in rhyme,

Following a train of thought,
It must be a bug that I’ve caught,
On looking back all through my life,
 How lucky I’ve been to have good wife,

She generally sorts out all my bugs,
As well as order all the drugs,
Cuts my hair and wash my cloths,
Boots I wash down with a hose,

 Food it’s bought with so much care,
Low salt and sugar be aware,
Meal are always at a regular time,
This I’m used to whole my lifetime,

Get up early every morning,
When most folks they are still a snoring,
When cows I milked got up five thirty,
 In for breakfast hands were dirty,

Not done this for twenty years,
But this old habit never blears,
A couple of hours of time and thought,
Before breakfast rhymes to mind are brought.

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