Saturday, 20 August 2011

"Featured Farmer" 35

Yes I am well pleased with the honour of being "Featured Farmer" on a Mid West Farmers website.

That blog "The Longest Swath" has now got their motif and stamp on it now if you look, I've have had some positive feed back from over the pond as well here in UK.

Its very kind of Peter and Ally to mention my books, all they are is the blogs printed off and bound into a book, in fact its three books and 160 blogs.

There are a lot of folk my age who don't dooooo computers, who expressed an interest in what I've writ, my own brother is among them, so I have taken up printing and binding as a secondary hobby. I had a report recently that one of my books had been spotted in a second hand book shop looking well thumbed and a bit dog eared.

Folk are buying them for a birthday or christmas presents, (They went well at our Village fair 25th June this year) most country folk can relate to whats written, as can folk all over the world, or so it seems.

Thanks again for your support and backup (the blog averages 180 hits a day).

Fred (Owd Fred)

Track back with me over the last sixty years in my blog, and compare how things have changed.